Monday 29 December 2014

Promoting hate speech

Sir: Aamir Liaquat should be removed from the private television channel that gives him airtime immediately. On December 22, 2014, on his morning show Subh-e-Pakistan, Liaquat invited a few religious ‘scholars’ to discuss issues in Pakistan, including the recent Peshawar attack. One question posed was that of who is behind all of these issues. The mullahs responded that a common enemy of Pakistan and all Muslims in the country was responsible. They went on to say that the reason behind the country’s misery was the Ahmedi community. Liaquat and the audience burst into applause. This irresponsible and false accusation will get Pakistan nowhere and avoids the root cause of extremism. Making a well known, persecuted community a scapegoat will not help solve our issues; it will only encourage them.

It is hatred, misunderstanding and misrepresentation of facts that become the fuel that fans the fires of extremism in the first place. Pakistan is really hurting. Is putting the blame on Ahmedis really going to solve anything? Hate speech only drags a nation into the depths of despair. It is what eventually led to the rise and drastic destruction of Hitler’s Nazi Germany. It is what is currently dividing and causing tension in the US. If Aamir Liaquat really wants to know the cause behind all the tension in his beloved Pakistan, maybe he should look at himself first.




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