Sunday 7 September 2014



Sir: Our Constitution guarantees equality to all its citizens and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, religion or place of birth.
The Article which says that the person who holds the office of the president or the prime minister of Pakistan must be a Muslim is a discriminatory law, which discriminates on the basis of religion and must be struck down. The state should act like a mother and treat all its citizens equally. Every Pakistani has a birthright to hold the highest office of the state. The state has no right to make all non-Muslims second-class citizens.
The chief justice is the protector of our fundamental rights. Please strike down this discriminatory Article from our constitution. His court can strike down any law that is discriminatory and against fundamental rights. Please make every non-Muslim an equal and proud citizen of Pakistan.
“Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behaviour does.”



This letter was published in Daily Times, can be seen at:

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