Sunday 23 August 2015

The Dark Reality

The Nation
August 21, 2015
It is worrisome that we are still doubting whether the Kasur Scandal was actually a case of child abuse or not.
Let’s be clear.
It was.
The HRCP-AGHS fact-finding mission, in this regard, has also made sure that all the nonsense regarding any ulterior motives of the children should come to an end.
They have received credible testimonies, indicating large-scale sexual abuse of children over many years in Husain Khanwala village of Kasur.

For them, there is no doubt that a heinous crime has been committed against children.
Maybe, it is time for the authorities to also face the truth, that they are to blame for this as well.

Led by Hina Jilani, HRCP Executive Council member and director of AGHS Child Rights Unit, and formerly UN Secretary-General’s Representative for Human Rights defenders, the team agrees that the crime remained concealed largely because the victims’ families paid extortion money and they were also intimidated.
Quoting accounts of all these people, they believe that the testimonies indicate that not only a large number of children had been sexually abused and exploited by the accused, but these heinous activities were continuing at least since 2010.
Making sure that there is no doubt left, they emphasised how the reports of a land dispute, become irrelevant under this.
Then why are we so bent on still trying to pin this in a way that these children are not seen as the true victims? Have we become that indifferent to violence? Or is it that the government or any other authorities just does not want to take the blame for it?
Police ignorance about the video clippings freely circulating in the area and their failure to take action lends support to charges of policemen’s collusion with the culprits.
Moreover, the team has found the role of political parties’ very distributing, ones that have made sure they remain in the dark.
We now need a plan to move forward.
Most of these children were between 10-16 years of age when they were first abused and several hundred video clippings of the sexual activities exist (for those still in denial).
It has been appalling to see how the government has handled it.
No matter how much we try to deny it, the fact remains that this was indeed one of the biggest child abuse cases of our country, as much as we try to pretend it was nothing beyond the ordinary.

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