Saturday 15 August 2015

Misuse of religion

Daily Times

Sir: Religion is an instrument of peace, harmony and stability in the world. It brings order in the lives of people, gives hope and optimism and consoles the hapless and destitute strata of society. None of the
religions encourage violence or violation of human sanctity. Unfortunately, religion has often been misused by certain elements for the fulfilment of their nefarious designs and has been proving detrimental to world peace and stability. Today, global terrorism poses an existential threat to world peace and this barbarism and insanity are being perpetrated in the name of religion. In the past, the desires of foreign occupations to uphold the superiority of one religion on the other led to many deadly wars and peace remained an elusive dream. Today on account of misuse and misinterpretation of religious injunctions, radicalisation is on a constant rise, minorities are being persecuted, sectarian clashes are increasingly jolting world peace, rights of women are being infringed and progress in the fields of science, art and literature is being resisted. It is not religion, but misuse and misinterpretation of religion which has wreaked all this havoc.

However, if a meaningful interfaith and intra-faith dialogue is initiated, longstanding international conflicts will be resolved judiciously and socio-economic and politico-religious grievances of the aggrieved factions will be addressed. The perpetrators of violence can be rendered bereft of excuses to misuse religion for the furtherance of their ignominious designs. In this regard, it is necessary that the media eschews jingoism and hate speech, helps in defusing tension along ethnic and ideological lines and moderate scholars play their due role in reinvigorating the true spirit of religion among the followers of various faiths. In this way, an ambiance of tolerance, harmony and peaceful coexistence can be cultivated and the globe can be made a better place of living for entire humanity.


Mandi Bahauddin

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