Tuesday 18 August 2015

India: Extremist Muslims mob attacks Ahmadi Muslims in West Bengal, leaves ten injured


A well known religious organisation recently arrived in Bengal on the pretext ‘flood relief’ but have instead carried out sustained anti-Ahmadiyya propaganda.
Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | Int'l Desk
Source/Credit: AMJ International
By Press Desk | August 17, 2015

On 7 August 2015, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in West Bengal, India, was the victim of a religiously motivated attack. 10 people were left severely injured when a mob, comprising local extremist Muslims, forcefully entered the home of a local Ahmadi Muslim house yielding knives, bricks and metal rods.

The police arrived at the scene only after unreasonable delay and refused to take any action against the assailants. The injured were refused permission for urgently required medical treatment.

Facts of case:

* Attack took place on 7 August 2015 in Bengal, India.

* An extremist mob, comprising non-Ahmadi Muslims, raided an Ahmadi Muslim’s house yielding knives, bricks and metal rods.

* 10 people severely injured, including women.

* The attackers spent the entire night surrounding the home to stop family members or other Ahmadi Muslims from helping the injured trapped inside the house.

* Police did not disperse the mob and no help or aid was provided to victims.

* After some time an Ahmadi Muslim lady managed to covertly escape with her son, Rameez Raja, who was profusely bleeding as a result of his injuries.

* Only after the assailants had finally dispersed the next morning were the Ahmadi Muslims permitted to seek treatment at a local hospital. However, as the police had failed to give any support or to issue a formal letter, local doctors denied treatment for the injured. The victims then had to be taken to a different hospital for treatment.

* On the same night of 7 August, another house of an Ahmadi Muslim in the area was also attacked.

* The attacks are part of recent wave of opposition against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Bengal.

* A similar attack took place on 14 July but on that occasion the police intervened to control the situation.

* A well known religious organisation recently arrived in Bengal on the pretext ‘flood relief’ but have instead carried out sustained anti-Ahmadiyya propaganda. There are significant reports linking the 7 August attack to the sectarian campaign.

It is hoped that local authorities take necessary steps to ensure the protection and safety of Ahmadi Muslims.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community appeals for the protection of all religious minorities. It is a fundamental right for each person to be able to practice and profess their faiths or beliefs peacefully and without fear.

Read original post here: India: Extremist Muslims mob attack on Ahmadi Muslims in West Bengal leaves ten injured 

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