Saturday 22 August 2015

Change in attitude is a key for effective inter-religious dialogue

Pakistan Christian Post

Lahore: August 20, 2015. (Fr. Inayat Bernard + Pervez Yousaf) “Change of attitude is a key for effective inter-religious dialogue”. Hafiz Mehmood Ashrafi, the chairman of the Ulema Council of Pakistan was talking to the inter-religious gathering at the Lahore press club organized by Council for Interfaith Dialogue Pakistan (CFID) and United Religions Initiative (URI) on the eve of 68thIndependence Day of Pakistan. This prayer gathering was led by Fr. Francis Nadeem OFM Cap (coordinator of CFID), Hafiz Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi (Chairman of Pakistan Ulema Council), Fr. Pascal Paulus OP (President of Major Superiors of Pakistan) and Fr. James Chanan OP (Representative of URI, Pakistan).

In his opening words Fr. Francis Nadeem said that the purpose of this gathering is to offer prayer for Peaceful Pakistan as the prayer is a common tool in all the religions to overcome the difficulties and temptations faced by an individual, society or nation”. He greeted all Pakistanis a Happy Independence Day and also congratulated Fr. James Chanan who has recently received a peace award from an organization in USA.

On this occasion sharing his views Hafiz Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi said that the Nazria-e-Pakistan was presented to ensure the rights of minorities and to provide justice to them. It was not to have time and space for religious activities as over 200 million Muslims are in India. It was to have a freedom in this country. He quoted the 11th August speech of the founder of the country Muhammad Ali Jinnah who said that all are free in their religions and this will have nothing to sod with the matter of the State. He said that the change is taking place in the attitude of our people regarding the misuse of the Blasphemy law. He further said that first we used to meet after the misfortunate events but now we meet before to stop the events to get worse. He said that he played his role in the case of Rimsha and helped the couple at Farooqabad in the district of Sheikhupura to save them from burning the family. He mentioned the events of Gojra, Sangla Hill and Joseph colony that the culprits have not been given the punishment. Concluding his address he prayed that the different religious communities may live a prosperous and save life. He proposed to the government to replace the 11th August as the minority day to the day of tolerance in future.

Fr. Pascal Paulus; Provincial of the Dominican fathers in Pakistan said that it is an important day for all citizens of the country. He condemned the Kasur tragedies where the youngsters have been victimized and abducted and raped. He sought justice from the government.

Fr. James Chanan OP said that Christians also played their role for the efforts of independence of Pakistan by mentioning the names of Christin political leaders at the time of creation of Pakistan, viz. S.P.Singha, C.Gibbon and Chaudhry Fazal Ilahi. He appreciated the efforts of the Pakistan forces to fight terrorism and the Taliban. He said that the flag of Pakistan is the sign of our unity.

Church of Pakistan Rev. Shahid Mahraj; Dean of the Cathedral of Resurrection said that it is the day of thanksgiving for a free country and our fidelity for our country. He said that the identity of our country is distorted due to corruption in all fields of life. But we will do all efforts for its stability. This is our homeland and we need to work hard for it. It is important for every citizen to be strong and stable.

Bhagat Lal; a Hindu leader said that all of us are one and equal countrymen. The Dharti Mata (Mother earth) is for all we will work to change our attitude for the peace and tranquility in the country.

Sikh leader Sardar Bishan Singh talking in Punjabi said that the partition of Punjab was not a just one and it has been great cruelty for the residents of East and West Punjab. He said that their founder Guru Nanak was born in the West Punjab in Nankana Sahib in Pakistan and burial place is in Narowal. He prayed for all religions in the country and hoped that all will maintain respect for everyone’s religion in their hearts and minds.

Fr. Inayat Bernard; director of CFID said in the welcome address that some elements have spoiled the image of Pakistan. Through the efforts of the URI and CFID we want to present to the world the soft image of Pakistan. We continue through seminars, press conferences, rallies and symposiums among religions existing in Pakistan. He said that it is the day of renewal of our commitment to the progress and development of the country. He wished that all citizens may use their God given talents for the peace and harmony in the country.

While thanking the participants at the end of the programme Fr. Francis Nadeem said that first and foremost we are Pakistanis then we have our own religions. He said that the Independence Day is celebrated by all while each person celebrates his personal religious feasts. This day unites us to be equal Pakistanis. He further added that we have difficult ties in the country but despite these let us continue to play our role to buildup the country and make it stable through our words and actions. He prayed that God may save us from all evil powers working in the country.

Syed Ashiq Hussain was the MC of the prayer gathering. It started with the recitations from the Holy Quran by Rana Irshad Chishti while the Holy Bible was read by the Presbyterian Church’s Rev. Amjad Niamat. The candles were lit and prayers were said for restoration of peace in Pakistan. Allama Mushtaq Hussain Jafri, Sohail Ahmed Raza, Rev. Saleem Khokhar, Rev. Emmanuel Khokhar, Edward Qaisar, Allama Waqas Ali, Br. Adnan, Br. Raza, Rev. I. B. Rocky, Fr. Qaisar Feroz OFM Cap, Sunil John, Khurram Yousaf along with principals and teachers of the Capuchin Order schools were among the other prominent participants on this occasion.
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