Thursday 20 August 2015

Ahmedi man shot dead in Taunsa Sharif Punjab.

This incident comes at the heel of a terrorist attack on the Ahmadiyya mosque and  death of two of the terrorists in a reported police encounter.

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | 
Source/Credit: Various
By Staff Report | August 19, 2015

An Ahmadi man is shot dead in Taunsa Shareef in Dera Ghazi Khan District of the Punjab.

Victim of a target killing, Mr Ikramullah, was shot multiple times by four unknown men raiding on two motorcycles.

Victim, who was 37 years old, received 4-5 billets, including one to his head, reported Pakistan Jama'at Ahmadiyya in the social media.

This incident comes at the heel of a terrorist attack on the Ahmadiyya mosque in Taunsa Shareef and subsequent death of two of the terrorists in a reported police encounter.

Father to a daughter, age 5, and an infant son, age 18 months, victim Ikramullah was attacked and killed at his place of his business, a medical store, in Taunsa Shareef.

Saleem-ud Din, national spokesperson for Jama'at Ahmadiyya Pakistan asked for prayers for the victims family.

Saleem-ud Din slammed the government for inaction against the hate materials being continuously spread against the Ahmadiyya community in Pakistan. "We've repeatedly urged the government to crack down on hate material & hate mongers but it seems that's not priority in Pakistan."

Saleem-ud Din said the Ulema [clerics] board advising the Chief Minister, Punjab, Shehbaz Sharif, had approved hate material against Ahmadis as acceptable and the government is now following this policy.

"With [Shehbaz Sharif] taking advice on hate material from such mullahs the results are in front of everybody," the Ahmadiyya spokesperson said, while also addressing Pakistan military leadership in his next Twitter post.

"@AsimBajwaISPR do you approve this Bigotry??? when you will take action against State sponsored #AhmadiyyaPersecution," Saleem-ud Din wrote addressing the Inter-Services Public Relations agency in a twitter post.

  --  Pakistan: Ahmadi man shot dead in Taunsa Dhareef, Punjab

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