Thursday 4 September 2014

Not her Fault

Source: Express Tribune
22 Aug 2014

I saw her eyes as she begged,
I said forgive me and she left,
I wondered what her life was like,
Why she begged, where she slept at night.
Because her feet were bare,
Her clothes were torn,
But was it her fault that she was born?
In a family that can’t give her,
All the things a child may want?
Five-years-old when they came,
Broke her innocence, broke her to shame,
But why should she feel this way?
Was the pain not enough, and now the shredded name?
She was found somewhere in a ditch alone,
Her clothes were torn,
Her smile was gone.
But was it her fault that she was born?
In a world that gives men,
All the things a man could want?
The original post available at:

Sonal Arshad SirajSonal Arshad Siraj

A student of psychology and social sciences, who likes to eat and write in that order.

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