Sunday 7 September 2014

Ahmadi muslims history and beliefs

Ahmadiyya Times | News Watch | US Desk
Source/Credit: Irish Independent
By Independent | September 7, 2014

Ahmadi Muslims have been subject to persecution and discrimination since the movement was founded in 1889.

The Ahmadiyya stream of Islam emerged from the Sunni tradition of Islam and its adherents believe in all the five pillars and articles of faith required of Muslims.

Ahmadis are considered non-Muslims by mainstream Muslims because Ahmadis consider their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, to be a Messiah. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said that he was the Mujaddid (divine reformer) of the 14th Islamic century - the promised Messiah and Mahdi awaited by Muslims. But these claims are rejected by mainstream Muslims.

The Ahmadis are active translators of the Koran and proselytizers for the faith; converts to Islam in many parts of the world first discover Islam through the Ahmadis. However, in a number of Islamic countries, especially Sunni-dominated nations, Ahmadis have been considered heretics, and subjected to persecution and systematic oppression. Ahmadis are constitutionally declared to be non-Muslims in Pakistan.

Hundreds* of Ahmadis were killed in massacres in Lahore in 1953, 1974 and May 2010.

* Original report stated "Thousands" which is inaccurate.

Read original post here: Ahmadi muslims history and beliefs

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