Sunday 17 August 2014

Happy Eid for a minority from majority!

Through these lines I want to draw your attention to a very sad incidence of brutality which took place in Gujranwala on 27th of July 2014. In this shocking incidence a violent mob of hundreds of people attacked houses of members of Ahmadiyya Community on Haidery Road Peoples Colony Gujranwala. They looted and damaged a number of houses and shops etc and after that set the houses to fire. The worship place of the community over there was also damaged. During this hostility 3 people, all women including 2 baby girls died due to suffocation and smoke inhalation. One of the baby girls was just 6 months old. Another lady suffered a miscarriage during this violence. 
The police was there, as media reports confirm but remained a silent bystander. The hostile mob did not allow the rescue workers and the fire brigade to reach the spot. It is stated that the causalities could easily have been avoided had the Police played its positive role; it did play but a suspicious one. When the massacre was over Police was deployed there perhaps to guard the ashes.
The cause of the incidence is stated to be some face book material which in my opinion has neither been witnessed nor carefully understood by the volatile mob. Circumstances and a better knowledge of the functions and operations of face book suggest that the accusers were either ignorant of the working of the face book or they had, perhaps other motives behind.
I want to raise a question, suppose if the allegation is correct, was there any fault of a six months old girl in all that matter. Why she was forced to suffocate? What sort of blasphemy has she committed? I here strongly request you to kindly look into the matter personally and promptly. I also further want you to make sure that the culprits are dealt with an iron hand. The in-efficient Police officials on duty should be held accountable for this criminal negligence.
Sir, I think it is due time to re-consider the scope of the blasphemy laws which are more than often mis-used. I further make an appeal to make sure that these laws must not be abused against the peaceful and peace loving communities in our country like the Ahmadiyya Community.

To uproot this intolerance from the society, govt, media and judiciary should play their due role. Otherwise, such incidents will not only create a feeling of insecurity among the minorities but they will bring a bad name to our country and to your government as well for being prejudiced and biased. 

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